DSE2024|DSE文憑試英文口試12日開考 英文補習名師分享5大實用技巧+常用句式
發布時間: 2024/03/11 16:26
最後更新: 2024/04/09 12:07
DSE文憑試英文口試由3月12日起開考,主要分為小組討論(Group Interaction )及個人短講(Individual Response),兩部分。英文補習名師Spencer sir (Spencer Lam)提供DSE英文口試急救貼士,他指出,發言有質素,就會有優勢。
所需時間 | 注意事項 |
1分鐘 | 小心理解題目要求 |
2分鐘 | 閱讀文章 |
5分鐘 | 就每一個分題,想出兩至三個論點 思考每一個論點的原因、例子和假設推論 思考如何反駁相反觀點 |
2分鐘 | 在心中排練一次討論 |
1. 回應對方觀點
在DSE English Paper 4 的Group discussion是非常注重Group interaction,所以承接別人的觀點就是其中最直接的做法。
- You are right.
- Points taken
- Exacty
- That’s a great point
- That’s a great idea!
- Right, SVO
- I see what you mean
- I agree that the audio system is good and new songs are available there
2. 講論點時要明確地解釋原因
有很多考生都有使用,不過黎黎去去都係I think。沒錯!這是其中的表達方式,但還有其他句式聽起來會更自然。以下是一些句式供大家參考。
- I think that + SVO
- It seems to me that + SVO
- I strongly believe that + SVO
- In my opinion, + SVO
- The reason is that + SVO
- SVO + because + SVO
3. 加上日常生活的例子
- Nowadays, + SVO今時今日
- In some cases, + SVO.在某些情況下
- XXX is a case in point
- XXX is a striking example.
- XXXX and XXXX are a list of illustrations of ….
- Shall we invite some pop singers like Leo Ku or Kay Tse to come because they are very popular in Hong Kong?
4. 提出假設推論及分析影響
DSE Speaking Skills如下:
- If + SVO, + SVO
- When + SVO, + SVO
- I believe that if they come to join us, many teachers and students will come to our karaoke evening.
- When students hear her words, they may learn from her.
5. 問別人意見 (問Yes/No 問題, 而不是What is your opinion)
- Do you think xxx is a good idea?
- Do you agree with SVO?
- I agree that the audio system is good and new songs are available there (回應), but I think that karaoke lounges are not large enough for us to hold this event. (論點).
- I strongly believe that the school hall may be a better choice for this event. (新提議). The PA system is not bad in the hall, right? (原因)
開展討論 |
主題同目的 |
表達意見 |
作出建議 |
同意別人 |
反對別人 |
轉話題 |
- I woud choose to +
- I woud prefer to +
- I think A is better than B.
- I think A is more important than B.
- The cause is that + SVO
- There are many reasons. (有很多原因)
- Let me tel you the reasons. (讓我向你解釋原因)
- It is important + for sbdy + to + v.
- The first advantage is that + SVO
- The second disadvantage is that + SVO
1. Rephrase 及重複問題
2. 講論點時要明確地解釋原因
3. 加上日常生活的例子
4. 提出假設推論及分析影響
5. 小總結
If you were given the chance, would you like to be a singer? Why or why not?
Step 1: 先簡單回答問題
I think I would not become a singer.
Step 2: 解釋 (原因/例子/加情景)
The main reason is that people’s tastes change very quickly.
If you are popular today, it doesn’t mean that you will be popular forever.
In fact, many singers who appeared to be promising at the beginning have already faded out.
Real superstars such as Sam Hui, and Alan Tam, who are always remembered by people, are only rare examples.
Step 3:
Of course, you may think it’s a pity if I have a talent for singing.
After all, no one wants to waste his talent.
But let’s be realistic. Just having a talent for singing does not mean that you will become a successful singer.
Well, I mean appearance is far more important than talent nowadays.
I am not that attractive at all.
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